For many years, the TREC Legal II course required to renew your license also satisfied the NAR requirement for REALTOR® Code of Ethics training. Due to recent changes adopted by the NAR Board of Directors, the TREC Legal II class will no longer satisfy the NAR training requirement.
What This Means For You
All REALTORS® will have to take Code of Ethics training every three years. The current deadline by which all REALTORS® must take the training is December 31, 2021.
If you completed TREC Legal II or another NAR-approved ethics training in 2019:
You have satisfied the NAR requirement for the current cycle that ends on December 31, 2021. You will need to complete NAR Code of Ethics training every three years thereafter.
If you did not complete TREC Legal II or another NAR-approved ethics training in 2019:
You must complete NAR Code of Ethics training by December 31, 2021. You will need to complete NAR Code of Ethics training every three years thereafter.
What Courses Currently Satisfy the NAR Requirement?
- Code of Ethics courses offered by Texas REALTORS®
- Code of Ethics courses offered through a local association
- The NAR C2EX endorsement
- NAR Official Code of Ethics Online Training.
Texas REALTORS® will offer Code of Ethics classes via broadcast free to members on May 19 and June 25. Check with your local association regarding its participation in these classes.
NAR has an online lookup to check your ethics training status.
If you have further questions, please contact the Texas REALTORS® Professional Development Department at
My license expires prior to the date of the first broadcast and I did not take Legal 2 in 2019. Is the course offered somewhere else?
Hi Pauly, you can contact the Texas REALTORS® Professional Development Department at
I am a Broker in the process of advising the agents I sponsor to make sure they fullfil their NAR Code of Ethics training. What happes if an agent does not complete the required class prior to the December 31 2021 deadline?
Per NAR: Failure to meet the requirement is a violation of a membership duty and will result in suspension of membership for the first two months (January and February) of the year following the end of any three-year cycle or until the requirement is met, whichever occurs sooner. On March 1 of that year, the membership of a member who is still suspended as of that date will be automatically terminated.
I didn’t take TREC Legal II in 2019 but I did take it in 2020. I assume that meets the requirements for the 12/31/2021 deadline?
I took Legal I and Legal II in August of 2020. Do I have to retake Legal II in 2021
TREC Legal II no longer satisfies the NAR training requirement. You must complete one of the courses mentioned above by Dec 31 to satisfy the NAR Code of Ethics training requirement.